Why bench?

bench is for you if...
- your are saving for your retirement in the long run.
- you want to give your 3a savings a chance to grow.
- you are not comfortable with investing in 3a investment funds.
bench offers you a new type of 3a savings plan.
Saving with guarantee
The safe 3a account with return opportunity protects your savings with a guarantee and gives it the chance to grow. The guarantee applies when you retire.
Besides bench, there are basically two types of 3a solutions.
Saving with a traditional bank account
By saving with an account, your 3a assets are deposited in a normal bank account with no chance of growing. The low interest rates of 1% per year on average tend to reduce your purchasing power.
You might consider saving with a traditional account if...
- you want to have a guarantee for your 3a funds at all times. With bench, the guarantee applies at the time of ordinary retirement.
Saving with investment funds
By saving with investment funds, part of your 3a assets are invested in the stock market. With these solutions, you can usually determine the investment strategy yourself.
By saving with investment funds, the return potential is considerably higher than with a traditional bank account. However, by saving with investment funds there is no guarantee that you will not lose money.
You might consider saving with investment funds if...
- you want to make full use of investment funds for your 3a savings.
- you are comfortable with the risks and rewards of saving in investment funds.
- you want to define your own investment strategy for your 3a savings.
You can probably find information and offers for traditional account saving on your bank's website. If you want to find out more about the various digital 3a investment fund solutions on the Swiss market, we recommend the blogs of 'Miss Finance' (DE), 'Schwiizerfranke' (DE, EN) and 'Become Wealthy' (DE, FR, IT, EN) .